Friday, September 27, 2019

Chapters Nine & Ten Reading Questions

When reading Chapter Nine for Monday, please prepare written answers to the following questions:
  • What brought Chinese immigrants to the United States?
  • How does Daniels define "immigrant," and what does he consider to be "the false and essentially racist notion" of some scholars?
  • What was the "coolie trade"?
  • Where did the Chinese settle and how did they finance their migrations?
  • How did Chinatowns differ from other American ethnic enclaves?
  • What are the Naturalization Act of 1870 and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?
  • What is a "paper son"?
  • Where did Japanese immigrants settle, and what occupations did they have?
  • Why were the Japanese initially treated differently from the Chinese, and how did that affect their demographics?
  • What is the "Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907-8"?
  • What is a "picture bride marriage," and was it unique to the Japanese?
  • Why did Carroll Wright say that French Canadians were the "Chinese of the Eastern States"?
  • How was French Canadian migration unique?
  • What were French Canadian occupations in Canada, and what were they in the United States?
  • Why was French Canadian acculturation so much slower than for any other immigrant group?
Oral History Projects are Due on Wednesday!

In addition, for Wednesday, please read Chapter Ten and prepare written answers to the following questions:
  • What is Nativism and what causes it?
  • What and when were the three discreet phases of anti-immigrant activity?
  • What was the Know-Nothing party?
  • What does the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution establish? Who's left out?
  • Why did the Chinese Exclusion Act pass?
  • What prompted the federal government to take over the administration of immigration?
  • What do you know about Ellis Island?
  • Against whom was most racism directed and why?
  • Was the literacy test effective at barring undesirable immigrants?
  • How did the depression of 1890 and World War I effect public opinion on immigration?
  • How did the quota plan work? who was not subject to it?
  • In 1924, what were some of the conflicts and struggles felt by the relatively prosperous nation?
  • Was a limit on immigration necessary or desirable?

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